duminică, 1 august 2010



... just wax thoughts for people like me and they all can melt when the world get
into the nest of your head and you drive them away, deny them, dissolve them and
come back alone in that quiet place where you can call it silence, and today, today
nothing fits ... but when I laugh you understand why, when I cry you absorb me into
you and give me meaning ... when all this happen I walk on world blind, deaf,
mute and certain because I returned from my self to feel you real...

... doar ganduri de ceara pentru cei ca mine si se pot topi toate cand lumea se urca
in cuibul capului tau si tu ii alungi, ii renegi, ii dizolvi si te intorci singur
intr-un loc unde il poti numi liniste,iar azi, azi nu se potriveste nimic... dar
cand rad intelegi de ce, cand plang ma absorbi in tine si imi dai sens... cand toate
astea se intampla pasesc pe lume orb, surd, mut si cert pentru ca m-am
intors din sine-mi sa te simt reala...

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